Simon Sperling
Yes, we have a good work-life balance and also the obligatory foosball table. But above all, we want to build sophisticated software and not lie around in a hammock or ball pool.
Simon Sperling Senior Software Developer
Tanja Ladwig
Alemo is authentic and promotes individual skill growth - that makes work fun!
Tanja Ladwig Project / Account Manager
Lars-Simon Wollny
Alemo offers both responsibility and flexibility – that’s a great mix! The only thing missing? Someone to challenge me in a foosball match…
Lars-Simon Wollny Senior Project Manager
Martin Eckardt
Because I live in Bavaria I take advantage of the possiblity to work from home. That helps me organize family and work without missing out on either. It doesn’t get better than that.
Martin Eckardt Senior Software Engineer
Christian Bartels
Despite all of the flexibility we have, we also have fixed work flows. Everyone know the processes. That’s extremely important but not always a given.
Christian Bartels Senior Software Engineer
Steffen Heitzsch
I’ve been with Alemo for floor(9.6932); years now. I immediately noticed that here individual responsibility is highly valued. For me personally, that’s very important.
Steffen Heitzsch Senior Software Engineer
Christian Bretz
My typical day at Alemo? Writing code, collaborating on ideas, perhaps discovering the theory of everything. And occassionally a bit of VR-gaming.
Christian Bretz Senior Software Engineer

We’re a family-like team consisting almost entirely of computer scientists, with compentecy-based hierarchies, and where each individual possesses technical curiosity and drive - to not only know but also to master and productively use the most current techonologies.

The opinion of each team member is important, not only in technical discussions but also in our daily dealings with each other. Our focus on (equal) participation, individual needs, and a laid-back atmosphere is reflected by free choice of hardware and other similar conveniences and remains the constant basis for how we work with one another

High technical standards

Our employees are mostly computer scientists: analytical thinking as well as the mastery of modern software engineering is a given. Our team is not only familiar with new technologies, they have mastered them. Test-driven development is an essential part of our process. That combined with the dual control principle through pull requests, component tests and other extensive testing allows us to deliver the highest degree of quality.

Constructive Criticism

Nobody’s perfect. Giving and receiving criticism, defending one’s opinion and open communication all belong to the culture of honest exchange which we cultivate.


With numerous benefits we strive to recruit the most motivated and talented minds. In return we only ask that these skills are used to help us all advance, so that we in turn can offer even more of such benefits to our employees.

Mental flexibility

Software development requires one to constantly adapt to new challenges, to think outside the box, and to react flexibly to unexpected obstacles. That’s exactly what happens here and what is expected.


We communicate openly and honestly with one another: this applies to those within our company as well as, of course, to our customers.

Creative Thinking

Not all contigencies can be planned for before a project begins. But good progress can be made if everyone is able to think outside the box.

Customer focus

Never forget why we’re all here: we want to offer our customers innovative software of the highest technical standard and quality. That includes excellent consultation as well as understanding our customers, thinking ahead and suggesting new approaches, and getting to the next step together.

Personal opinion

We welcome expressing one’s personal opinions as well as controversial discussions. If we’re being honest every objection stated has its reason and can potentially improve a product, the company climate, or even just a small everyday detail.


Whether it’s meeting customer deadlines, daily programming, or trust-based working time our daily dealings with each other are not imaginable without a high degree of dependability and trust

Sense of responsibility

Customer satisfaction depends, at least to some extent, on your work. Those who are aware of this responsibility, who focus on security-conscious software development and realize that they serve as an example for others will fit into our team perfectly.

Jonathan Staashelm

Jonathan attends to our day-to-day business operations and coordinates the collaboration of our different teams With his many years of consulting experience in the automotive and energy sector he is a competent point of contact for our customers.

Jonathan StaashelmFounder & COO
Johannes Wirtz

As technical director for software engineering Johannes brings his expertise to even the most complex and challenging of projects. This includes the evaluation of new and relevant technologies and methods as well as the optimization of current processes.

Johannes WirtzFounder & CTO
Lars Goldammer

During his time as an IT consultant Lars worked with such major enterprises as the Société Générale, Deutsche Telekom, and E.ON. His experience guarantees a high standard of quality from which our teams and customers alike profit.

Lars GoldammerFounder & CIO

Our teams are the face of alemo. And we’re always looking for new recruits, especially in the area of software development.

Christian Bretz

At the beginning I was a bit skeptical: I moved from Lower Bavaria to Hamburg in order to train as an IT specialist. In the meantime I feel at home not only at alemo but in Hamburg as well.

Christian Bretz Software Engineer
At alemo since February 2012
„At the beginning I was a bit skeptical: I moved from Lower Bavaria to Hamburg in order to train as an IT specialist...“
Martin Eckardt

Because I live in Bavaria I take advantage of the possiblity to work from home. That helps me organize family and work without missing out on either. It doesn’t get better than that.

Martin Eckardt Software Engineer
At alemo since January 2006
„Because I live in Bavaria I take advantage of the possiblity to work from home...“